Your project should effectively combine prose, code, and results to answer a research question.
- If a descriptive question: How do your methods measure something that wasn’t obvious before?
If a predictive question:
- How do you measure out-of-sample errors? Is is consistent with the predictions you would like to make?
- What is your out-of-sample error? How does your model compare with alternatives?
If a causal inference question:
- What research design are you using? What are the assumptions of this design?
- You are encouraged to use confidence intervals to present results, and discouraged from using p-values.
- You must discuss the magnitude (substantive signficance) of your results.
- What are the properties of your sample? How generalizable is it?
- What are the assumptions of your research design? How plausible are they? What would be needed to improve on your research design?
Use visualizations where possible to describe your results